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actual not-commonly-available-plants shipping schedule
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Michal Parvanov
Založený: 11 Feb 2008, 11:11 Príspevky: 586
actual not-commonly-available-plants shipping schedule
. presumption; actualized: 11-th september 2023
Salvia divinorum - small and also big pieces available. if you are on waiting list, please check your email (incl. spam folder). if no message about availability there, please write us (maybe some mistake, forgotten, etc..)
Banisteriopsis caapii - few pieces available
Calea zacatechichi - few plants available, both offered sizes
Catha edulis - few plants available
Mimosa pudica - not available.
Psychotria carthaginensis - very limited amount available, all sizes. no further propagation of this species planned in the future, so very last pieces available.
Psychotria viridis - limited amount available. more sizes. when sold, there will be some time of unavailability of this species.
Tabernanthe iboga - finally available after very long time, last 2 pieces, when sold, no availability planned for long time.
Turnera diffusa - not available long time.
Wollemia nobilis - for next season there will be 0 pieces left probably.
Interested in these species? If no individual available, you should be listed in one of our waiting lists first - write email, please !
_________________ PLANTAE - natural perception https://plantae.sk
Tému naposledy oživil Michal Parvanov dňa 05 Dec 2017, 11:51.
05 Dec 2017, 11:51 |
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[ Počet príspevkov: 1 ] |
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